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People Square>Onsite Stories
저희 호동원은 대구 남구에 위치하고 있으며 1955년도에 설립된 아동 양육시설로써 35명의 친구들이 알콩달콩 즐겁게 살고 있습니다. 귀여운 깍쟁이, 씩씩한 개구징이…
가을을 맞아 초원의 집 가족들은 경주로 소풍을 다녀왔습니다. 날씨는 추웠지만 여러곳을 돌아다니며 할머님들께서 많이 즐거워하셨습니다. 아이러브피플에서…
People Square>Search Missing People
박경란(17세) 여자 아동
실종일시: 2014년 08월 23일
실종장소: 서울특별시 광진구
유지홍(14세) 남자 장애
실종일시: 2014년 09월 14일
실종장소: 서울특별시 동대문구
이일선(64세) 여자 치매
실종일시: 2013년 09월 05일
실종장소: 부산광역시 연재구
This page is provided for the members of i♥People to introduce their vivid scene stories about the welfare facilities. Please join the on-site stories of welfare facilities.
This page is provided to help in finding the missing people in cooperation with the National Police Agency. He or she is a very important person for someone. If you've a similar person in the vicinity, please contact us.
i♥People delivers donations to welfare facilities 100% full without deductions.
Donations are delivered to welfare facilities in 100% full by i♥People.
i♥People works together with more than 1,350 welfare facilities in the country.
i♥People does its best to create a happy world with more than 1,350 welfare facilities in the country.
i♥People is practicing its mission hand in hand with more than 89,000 affiliated shops together in the country.
i♥People is practicing 'donation culture' to make a happy world with its affiliated shops.
KOVAN-Building 10, Dogok-ro 6-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Tel: 1544-5466 | Fax: 02)3461-6979 | Email: ilovepeople@kovan.com
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